Sunday 25 March 2012

2 to the shoe graveyard

Two more pairs this week hit the dust. My beloved (aren't they all?!) grey biker boots, right heel totally and utterly collapsed leading to giant hole leading to soggy of foot, leading to shoe graveyard. Second pair were my funky space trainers that were all gold and shiny and like space shoes. Surprise surprise the sole split in 1! 2! 3! places and another pair bites the dust. My current favorites are undoubtedly on their way out but in some weird way this is how I always intended them to be. I bought them cos they reminded me of Duckie shoes from Pretty in Pink:

My 8 year old niece thinks my shoes are funny. But what's not to love, buckles! laces! pointy toes! battered leather! 

Funny they may be but also muchly loved. Come on Duckie shoes, you can last until sandal time, I believe in you! 

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