Friday, 2 November 2007

Tales of the green skirt

When I hit 30 something really odd happened. I lost loads of weight. I did nothing to do this, it just kind of magically disappeared over a few weeks, and as it went so did my slightly larger than I always wanted dress size. With the new found smaller dress size came the idea that I no longer cared what people thought about what I wore and how I put it together. And with that revelation, my fashion life was transformed. All of a sudden people started paying attention to what I was wearing, and comments were passed daily, sometimes good sometimes quizzical but always comments. (There is a point to this honest, I'm getting there). Today was yet another example of it. Today was my green skirt day.

There's a story behind this skirt. It's from a charidee shop. Now you all know that me and Fizz rock the charidee shops, we do, we go, we find dead good stuff and people always want to know where and how much. Wow, is usually a response. This green skirt is a wow skirt. It's originally a Per Una skirt and would have cost at least 40 quid, I got it for 2 pounds and 50 pence, yes people, it was a bargain. And it's oh so funkay. I've taken a photo to demonstrate how it was being worn today:

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As soon as I put it on it felt kinda magical. I knew I was going to rock this skirt. I felt all girlie swirlie librarian-y in it. It started as I was walking to work from the bus station, people were actually staring at the green skirt as I was walking past! I walked in the door at work and people started following me asking me where I got the skirt? When? How much? Someone even tried to steal it...while I was wearing it! Pah. Hands off matey, it be mine. But you know what? I've worn this skirt before and I'm sure I never got the same reaction. Maybe it was the funky black boots. Maybe it was the v-neck top. Who knows what it was? But I worked it!

I'm throwing a question out there to try and get you guys interacting with us during this month of everyday posts. My question is: what is your rocking outfit? Tell me tales of your...

See you tomorrow xx


Librarian Girl said...

Since I actually AM a girlie swirlie librarian, I feel like this every day!

Cute skirt!!!

Anonymous said...

I love that skirt, I think it's that little bit of turquoise net - fab. Of course I never show my knees, so it would be pointless me stealing it ;-)

Not sure which is my rockin'ist outfit, will have to get back to you on that, but as I'm aiming to support your month of posts with my own month of comments, I've got plenty of time to decide!
