Sunday, 18 November 2007

New Scarf

I am under instructions from Dizz to blog today, 'cos she's too busy getting ready for the Amy Winehouse gig tonight, among other things ;-P

So, it being Sunday, I haven't really got much to blog about. I did make a new scarf though, so you're going to have to make do with a blog post about that.

I decided I had to make some scarves because I can't find any I like in the shops. And customised clothing and accessories are always funkay-er than the same old same old from the high street.

So, I went charidee shop shopping yesterday (on my own! - Yes, I'm allowed now) and bought a couple of tops made from nice fabric, with the intention of cutting them up into little bits and sewing them together again. Et voila! (I know it looks a bit like animal print, but if you look closer you'll see it's little butterflies, so cute!)

This is the second top, which will soon be reincarnated too...

Ta ta
Fizz x

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