Friday, 23 November 2007


How did that happen? It was Wednesday...then it was Friday and somewhere along the way Thursday happened and we didn't blog :o( We've failed...I feel really bad. I was sure we'd be able to do it. Oh well. Apologies to everyone who was helping us along the way with the comments. Am I forgiven if I say I was too busy living life and having fun to do the blog post...?

So what's been happening? Well, library land seems to have been taken over by some kind of bonkers drug, there's a definite something in the air. The amount of frivolity that has gone on has been much higher than usual and it's been a crazy week. Personally I blame the door being broken, cos with the broken door comes big icy blasts of cold air, and people huddling round warm heaters/hot people; all this huddling is sending us a bit loopy. Still, it's been a fun week!

Tonight is not a games night. Cos Fizz is on her way back from Wigan, and Wavey's on his way round with my chips (yumness), but it's still the episode of Ugly Betty where Posh Spice is the bridesmaid so we'll definitely be watching that! Tomorrow we're off to theatre to continue with the set. Tomorrow night me, Fizz, Cat, D and K are going out on the town to be dancing queens! I cannot wait! I haven't been out on a cheesey dancing night in, ooooh, forever. Will be a blast! But. Sensible dancing shoes must be worn. EBBs are not good for dancing. No way my lovelies. Then on Sunday I'm going to a 50th birthday party that starts at 2pm in the afternoon! I know this family of old and they like a drink so that'll be everyone drunk on the floor by 4pm! Blimey o'riley! It'll be Monday again before we know it.

Hope you're all going to have a rocking weekend too.

Oh! Do I have some goods on 'Bob'. If you want a laugh just ask and I shall tell...xx


Anonymous said...

50th, booze - it sounds brill... i've got a kids 3rd to go to this weekend. Joy of joys! :-( What a weekend for me, where's the ejector seat.

Oh, & goods, grrr - lol.

Anonymous said...

Our library has been a bit loopy this week too. Everyone has been playing 'tag' and running (or walking quickly in order to seem professional and clever) away from whoever's it. I got tagged over the internal phone today! Surely that's not allowed?! Bah!

Loving the loopiness though.

Plus - don't stop the blogging challenge just because you missed a day - you've been doing so well!


Anonymous said...

I feel bad about wimping out of the disco dancing tonight! Played out late in Sunderland last night though, and shopped hard this morning, and now I'm off to work - I just can't hack the pace these days... :-/


PS - the gingerbread latte in Esquires; I recommend it highly!