Friday, 9 November 2007

just what a girl needs

I tells ya Fizz is just the best. I know I say this stuff all the time, but seriously, she is. Last night she turns up at my house with a dvd and bags of Maltesers for us to enjoy. And the film, well, what better choice could have been made? Ocean's 13. Don't get me wrong, it really wasn't life changing, in fact, it was kind of predictable. But who am I kidding? Who cares about plot when you have Gorgeous George and Beautiful Brad to look at? Seriously, whoever thought of putting those two into the same film must have been a woman. Surely? Who cares about being dizzy when George is wearing a tuxedo and Brad is wearing his white trousers just so to make his thighs look....

...ahem. Anyhoo. You get the picture. Wow. So thanks Fizz. Excellent movie choice.

The glum has gone from yesterday. I'm hoping that today, the 3rd day of drugs, is when they'll kick in and the world should slow down a bit. Have been able to walk around the house without needing to cling onto walls for support so much. And I even walked through the door rather than bashing myself from one side to the other, progress indeed! I'll try a walk out again later and hopefully it might only take 10 minutes for the world to stop spinning rather than 30, fingers crossed!

Anyhoo almost lunch time. Thank god that I didn't lose my appetite, yay!
Ta-ta x


fizz said...

The day you lose your appetite we will know you are really sick.

I had to be a little bit mean, just to make up for all the nice things you said about me. Only fair.

A. x

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous George makes this girl a little dizzy too...