And that little lot there was got for about a tenner, maybe just over: BARGAIN!
However, the most shocking thing of all was Fizz. I tells ya, since she got this new job she has become a TOTAL shopaholic! Everytime I text her she's in a shop trying this, buying that, it's wonderful, I love it. But yesterday the most shocking thing of all happened: Fizz bought a dress. Yes, an actual girlie swirlie dress. With pink flowers on it. I had to almost pick myself up off the floor (mind you, in fairness, this was more as I'd nearly fallen arse over tit on a piece of blu-tak...ahem, less said about that the better methinks) as she emerged out of the dressing room in a frock! It's gojus! I'm hoping that Fizz will follow my example and take a photo of all her floaty purchases for the comments box...
Gig news: We Are Scientists were pretty damned good. But not as good as The Rumblestrips. I did love my weekend of gigs. Am off to the cinema tonight. Think we're seeing Ratatouille, yay, can't wait!
See you tomorrow xx
1 comment:
What's the bear thing? I think I may need a trip out to Stockton, the charity shops here in Boro just don't cut it - not enough affluence I guess...
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