Thursday, 8 November 2007

Day 3: glum

I know Fizz has already posted but I'm all about sharing this illness. And frankly my lovelies I'm a bit glum today. I'm bored and frustrated. I went out for a walk just now with my lovely ma and had to sit down for 30 minutes after to wait for the world to stop spinning. Even typing this is not that great for me really. Bah humbug to illnesses and evil viruses. When are the drugs going to kick in, she whines pitifully...

Pathetic! That's what this is. Pull yourself together Dizz!

On a plus side (cos there always has to be one) my new cd arrived today and it rocks, Versions by Mark Ronson. He be da man!

And Fizz is coming round tonight to watch a movie so it's not all bad.

Stay tuned for more joy... :o((

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are allowed to be a little glum now and then you know. Light and shade, that's what life's all about. How would we know the good times if we didn't have anything to compare them to? And I'm all about knowing the good times when they come along.

I could come around and gaffer tape pillows to your door frames if you like?
