Sunday, 4 November 2007

Charidee spectactular

As regular readers of this blog know, me and Fizz rock the charidee shops, we do, we go when the mood strikes us right and we find us absolutely gorgeous bargains for bargainous prices. And yesterday was no exception as (yes you read this right) all the charidee shops were having half price sales! Oh the joy. You have no idea. We both got the most spectacular stashes. In my attempts to boost up this blogging month I took a photo of all the items I got:

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And that little lot there was got for about a tenner, maybe just over: BARGAIN!

However, the most shocking thing of all was Fizz. I tells ya, since she got this new job she has become a TOTAL shopaholic! Everytime I text her she's in a shop trying this, buying that, it's wonderful, I love it. But yesterday the most shocking thing of all happened: Fizz bought a dress. Yes, an actual girlie swirlie dress. With pink flowers on it. I had to almost pick myself up off the floor (mind you, in fairness, this was more as I'd nearly fallen arse over tit on a piece of blu-tak...ahem, less said about that the better methinks) as she emerged out of the dressing room in a frock! It's gojus! I'm hoping that Fizz will follow my example and take a photo of all her floaty purchases for the comments box...

Gig news: We Are Scientists were pretty damned good. But not as good as The Rumblestrips. I did love my weekend of gigs. Am off to the cinema tonight. Think we're seeing Ratatouille, yay, can't wait!

See you tomorrow xx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's the bear thing? I think I may need a trip out to Stockton, the charity shops here in Boro just don't cut it - not enough affluence I guess...