This weekend saw the birthday of Wavey. I guess the normal thing for birthdays is that you go out and eat a lovely dinner paid for by the non-birthday person. However it's January, which means it's beans on toast week every day which also means no pennies to go out and buy dinner. So instead I set to cooking up a yummy dinner treat and baking up a yummy cake. First up we hit the Nigella cookbook to find something yummy: jerk chicken with coconutty rice seemed like just the thing. And Wavey had specifically requested a lemon birthday cake and what the birthday boy wants the birthday boy gets, so I baked up a yummy lemon victoria sponge. The candles are kind of a joke as Wavey is definitely not 27, but all week he's been telling me that's how old he is and the candles never lie...
People kept asking me what to buy for him but he's kind of a difficult guy to buy for. He doesn't really ask for much and we tend to buy things that we want as we go along, so a smidge tricky. And so it was that I found myself in Machine Mart asking where I might find a pair of saw horses and some electronic screwdriver bits. And let me tell you, wrapping up saw horses is tough! It took 2 rolls of paper and then as soon as I stood them up the paper ripped, pah! But we had a most lovely birthday day and the meal was yummy and there was heaps of laughter and hugs and love and what more can you ask for on your birthday!
In terms of the do, we've consumed some very fine films this weekend both at the cinema and on our sofa. First up was The Hurt Locker. We've had this forever and it's taken us ages to watch but it was a very fine film indeed. Made even finer with the joy of our huge tv! Tis truly amazing. There was one scene where I could see the hairs on an arm stand up, totally awesome! Next up was The Book of Eli. We're not even sure if we added this to our list as I don't think I'd ever read anything about it but it was again, another fine film. And visually stunning - yet again the magic tv was looked upon in awe. Our final cinematic experience took us to the actual cinema along with Fizz, and we saw The Kings Speech. There is a big amount of hype about this film and I'm always hesitant about whether they'll live up to the reputation, but this was really a thoroughly enjoyable film. Colin Firth is truly coming into himself as an actor, she says in chin-stroking pondering pose...
Just weirdly read the above paragraph and thought the most random thought: all the films we watched this weekend began with "The". Not much else to say to that really. There you go :D
I also started reading a Hemingway novel called The Garden of Eden (more The!) This novel was unfinished when he died and wasn't published until 25 years after his death. Oh and is about a threesome. So far it's quite, erm, strange, but I'm curious to see how an unfinished novel will end.
Finally, I've decided that next time I have to do a presentation I am so going to start it off in the interview room by jumping up and down and shouting titfuckbuggerybollocks - well if it works for the King...
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