I've finished 31 Songs and begun another book with possibly the best title ever: The Affair of the Bloodstained Egg Cosy by James Anderson - a proper old fashioned who-dunnit which I am enjoying immensely.
After a hideously hellish week at work, Wavey and I went out for an impromptu dinner on Friday night of most yummy mexican and even yummier cocktails. Date nights are cool but impromptu date nights are even more fabby. Then we went on yet another date night last night and saw The Kids are Alright which was a very funny, clever and touching film starring Julianne Moore, Annette Benning and Mark Ruffalo. Two dates in one weekend - happy times.
The weather has been kind to us this weekend and we've had no snow (yippee!) a few bits of rain which turned the roads to skating rinks (eek!) but we've been able to get out in the garden. It was totally freezing so I had about 7 layers of clothing on but hey, let's face it, gardening ain't about the fashion! The resulting hard work means we've finished glazing the greenhouse which is now fully ready to grow yummy tasty things in it:
And we finally got a chance to put our shed up as well. I've had to include Wavey in both of these photos as he's such a happy guy now he's got these two things done!
Oh and I also found the most perfect dress for our fancy cocktail party that we're having later this month to celebrate both of our birthdays.
And we finished watching Mad Men series 3 - AWESOME! Can't wait for the 21st March when season 4 is released!
I think it's safe to say we've had rather a productive week! Don't know if they'll all be as good as that but it feels good to have made such a solid start to my year of the do.
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