For weeks, I've been going on and on about
Hot Fuzz to everyone I know, and I keep meaning to blog about it and then forgetting/being lazy. This is a shame, because it's probably the funniest film I've
EVER seen. That's quite an extravagant claim, but I'm sticking to it.
It stars and was written by Simon Pegg, who did
Spaced and
Shaun of the Dead. It's the story of an over-achieving London cop whose colleagues, from sheer jealousy, send him off to a tiny little village deep in the English countryside. He brings his big-city attitude with him, and eventually uncovers a homicidal plot.
There were so many bits that were funny - but my favourite was the gung-ho, hard-ass, no-holds-barred attitude he had to paperwork. Yes. Each time he has to do any, he pulls out (draws?) his twin ballpoints and clicks (cocks?) them. This is accompanied by a little 'whoosh' sound. The 'whoosh' sound accompanies quite a lot of seemingly inappropriate actions - such as taking out his notebook. Hilarious.
I had a hard time breathing at some points, because I was laughing so much. Dizz nearly wet herself, although she denies this now. So if you have asthma or bladder weakness, best not go (or take your inhaler/Tena Ladies). It's also quite gory, so if you don't like chunks of gore, rotting corpses or splattering arterial blood, give it a miss. But I warn you, you'll be missing a real treat.
It's actually quite difficult to explain why this film was so funny. I need to watch it again and take notes (whoosh). Next time though, I think I'll get something from the shop. Maybe a Cornetto?