This causes huge amusement to most of us, but there is one laydee who is most put out by it. You know who I meeeeean.
It all came about because I happened to offer to make some curtains for Wavey's new house ('cos I enjoy doing stuff like that), and I also generously offered him the use of my teeny telly while his is out of action. So I went round the other evening to 1) deliver the telly and 2) discuss the curtains. We decided we'd go looking at material this weekend (he can't be trusted to choose on his own). As it happened, when I arrived his Mum and Dad were just leaving, so I met them very briefly.

SO. During our tea break, Dizz, bless her, blurted out all of the above. She cleverly included all the incriminating evidence (met the parents, going curtain shopping) without any of the extenuating circumstances. And hey presto, you-know-who put two and two together, came up with five, and now probably has a voodoo doll of me, bristling with pins, just like this one.
I like the way you lay the entire blame on my doorstep. I believe there were 3 of us involved in the mischief: me (just cos it's soooo funny), you (cos we take any opportunity to tease the meeeeeanies), and Wavey (who didn't exactly go out of his way to deny said engagement). Just wanted to clear that up...
Fizz and Wavey sitting in a tree, doing something D-I-Y-EEEYY!
tee hee hee!!!!
life is a roller-coaster... I get back from a great footy-match (via the pub) to find I've been jilted !
probably for the best tho' as I'd already spent the ring-deposit on a nice green ipod
ah well back to DIY !!
...I'm feeling fragile but well enough to offer the advice 'never blog after coming back from the pub'.
sorry to Fizz for teasing. if its any consolation my head feels like someone's been sticking pins it it.
I understand your team (the Poodles?) are doing rather well at the moment (it'll never last), so I can forgive the drunken rambling. I'm not jealous about the green i-pod, that's Dizz.
Sorry about the hangover, matey. Are you sure the pin sensation in your head isn't real? Could someone have stuck some in your wig while you were lying in the gutter in a drunken stupor?
Anyway, I'm reliably informed that the green i-pod costs £120, and if that was all you were going to pay for a deposit on the ring, you were barking up the wrong tree. Not even in the same forest. If I were ever to get engaged, I'd want a ROCK.
Love you really. Fizz ;-)
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