Thursday, 25 October 2007

the essence of decadence

Have you ever heard such a cool phrase? I love it! I do. 'Bob' at work kindly informed me today that I am exactly that: the essence of decadence. He was referring to someone we work with, whose a little on the mousey side (this is polite, trust me). I firmly believe her to be offended by all things Dizz as she simply cannot look me in the eye whenever I ask her a question, or generate a response that doesn't include lots of uh, um, erm, um erm uh all at the same time...well you get the picture. It's really quite disconcerting. I'm an easy going gal, I am, peeps talk to me about anything and everything, so what's up with that? In the summer I thought maybe she was offended by my vest tops and the amount of flesh they show, but seems that even in Autumn fashions I still cause consternation. I feel like Duckie in Pretty In Pink, when he lifts up his arm, sniffs his armpit, and asks: "do I o-ffend?" What do we reckon peeps? Is it me? Or is it her? The jury is out.

In other examples of decadence, I wore my struttin' boots for work yesterday. By the time I actually reached the blessed place of employment they were no longer the struttin' boots, they were the evil as f*** boots. I had to spend the whole day hobbling around like an old woman, in my socks (!) as I had blisters on the balls of my feet. Ohhhhh the pain. Ouch. My boss kindly informed me that it's cos my boots are not leather. I was like, cheers, yep, well we can't all afford to spend many hundreds of pounds on f-m boots, like what she does :o)

Today I have eaten: a hazelnut and orange cookie with a chocolate base, a chocolate and caramel digestive, a packet of peanut M&Ms, and a chunk of G&B Maya Gold; chocolate decadence do we think?

Just watched Marie Antoinette with Kirsten Dunst. Hmmm, not quite sure what I made of it but fitting that I watched it on the decadence day. Boy, those cakes. I was literally drooling over them, hell even the champagne was starting to look good and we all know about the bubbles troubles.

So thanks be to 'Bob' for the post inspiration. Keep 'em coming peeps. And amen to decadence, of any kind. Farewell my lovelies x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

chocolate decadence ... oh yes .. now yer talking my language !!

Is mousey actually a 'Clark Kent' character? turns into some hottie outside work ?