Saturday, 20 October 2007


I think I should begin my own course of therapy for how to get over sucky viruses. For starters I would recommend lots of sleeping. And then after the lots of sleeping, the taking of the tablets, the drinking of the fluids, get yourself up and at 'em George McFadam, and get thee to the shops. Yep, a good dose of retail therapy is enough to kick you out of any post-virus blues. As I clearly found out today. The only item on my list was a pair of skintight black jeans. Check, found them. Oh and look at those boots...and those too...oh look at Dizz at the checkout paying for those 2 pairs of boots and those jeans...oops :o)) However, being the style-ista that I am, I refuse to feel guilty about the buying of the boots (nice try Fizz) cos they are struttin' boots, yep, I'm currently rockin' one pair of them around my house. Ooh yeah baby. Last year I was all about the Ugg-a-like boots, this year I'm all about the struttin'.

In other news, there's something weird going on out there, in the big wide world. I can't help but feel that I'm at the beginning of a new phase. Don't know where it's going to take me, or even why I have this feeling, but I'm a firm believer in following my gut and that's what it's telling me. Look out world, I'm a-coming...

And finally, I'm ending with a question. What I want to know is who is the inventor of these chain thingies that you get via email/text/Facebook kindly informing you that on the one hand you are "sexy as fuck" (direct quote) but if you don't forward this on to 10 people you will be "ugly" for the next 10 years? Say WHAT? xx

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