During the Christmas holiday 2006 my lovely friend D lost her mum to cancer. Her mum put up a fight and she battled on for much longer than the doctors predicted and surprised us all. It was such a sad and horrible time and I was at a total loss cos my friend was hurting and I couldn't do anything to help. I'm so very proud of D for how she's come through the other side and hope that I did a good job as her friend.
But we wanted to do something in her mum's memory. And this is where the Race for Life comes in. Each year, Cancer Research organise these races and millions of women all over Britain take part, raising money as they go. So we signed up. Even though we never run. And would really rather eat cake. But we did really well. This is our sponsor page, and we also both raised money on our paper sponsor forms so we reckon our personal total is about 500 quid.
The race is 5km (about 3 miles), and today it was through some very muddy woods due largely to the never ending rain! We completed it in 43 mins and 6 seconds. And just in case you don't believe it, here's the photos to prove us crossing the finishing line:
Thanks to everyone who sponsored us and supported us. It was a really special thing to do. And we're pretty sure that D's mum was looking down on us at the end and cheering us on loudly xx
That's so totally inspiring!
nice one girls !!!
you should be very proud of each other
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