First off was Dr Who. He was scccchmooookin' in this week's episode. Fizz wasn't at all sure when it started and texted me to say not enough of the Dr on the screen but I had a feeling it was going to be a good one and I was not let down. It now ranks up there as my all time favourite episode, followed a very close second by the fireplace one. I think my fave bit was towards the end when him and Martha appeared, got out of a taxi, she was carrying a bag full of arrows on her back and he had the bow draped across one shoulder, someone called his name, he turned, ooohhh it's enough to make a girl go all a-quiver. Hawt!
And today, more hot weather. So hot that I was forced to buy two vest tops, a babydoll dress, and a stonking good hat: baker boy, khaki green, oh so funkay, must be worn at a jaunty angle. I trotted off up to my parents for dinner and one man almost fell out of his car to get a look at my hat so it's obviously a good purchase :o)
On the way, I had one of those automotive moments that only happens if you have any interest in cars. My interest waxes and wanes but it's always there cos my dad's a mechanic so I grew up around a great variety of cars. Anyhoo, back to the story. There I am strutting down the street in my new hat when this car roars past me. And it was hot. It was long, silver, sleek, oh so sexy. I did that thing where you stop and just watch it drive by knowing that the guy driving it is SO LOVING his hot car. To cut a long story short, it was a Nissan car, Wavey works for Nissan, I texted him to see what it was and could he borrow one for the weekend. Turns out it was one of these:
Wow. That is one hot car. I think that car would make me purr with delight. I want that car. See? Hot.
Here's hoping the hot weather stays cos I lurve it so x
All a-quiver... was that a pun?
I confess that, although the Dr was not in it much, last Saturday's episode has to be my fave too. I actually had the cushion poised to cover my eyes, it was so scary. And the plot was so clever! AND when you did see the Dr, he had his glasses on most of the time. Oh! suits you.
bag full of arrows.. all a-quiver
i likes it ;) lol.
re plot - bah, time travel doodad nothing new.
V good episode though - should get Ms Sparrow to be next assistant?
Nothing new! The weeping angels are quantum locked - Schrodinger's cat and all that! They only exist when no one is looking at them, if anyone observes them they turn to stone. Now, I can only speak for myself, but I think that is seriously clever. And new.
And the way to stop them is to position them so they're all observing each other - OUTSTANDING!
I'm jealous of your hot weather!
re plot. Beasties were well cool admittedly. That scifi-horror style evokes memories of some of Tom Bakers finest moments..
Having googled Schrodinger's cat i don't really see the connection. I think the Drs quantum locked explanation is just another example geek speek/techno babble so beloved in sci-fi... "reverse polarity" is the usual culprit, both in Who and US stuff like Stargate & Star Trek. However, my grasp of the quantum theory of superposition is 'shaky' lol.
But its the time travel that's old hat.. it was a mix of Back to the future, Bill & Ted, plus a big dose of Red Dwarf.
Hello Sally!
He's a Timelord. So, you'd expect quite a bit of timetravel. That would include the odd time paradox, inevitably.
If you're bored with that, perhaps you could suggest that they change the premise. Instead of being a Timelord, the Dr could be a Hairlord. So, he would turn up at different locations with his sonic hairdrier and change people's hairstyles. I'm sure Russell T. Davies would be amenable.
children children, cease this nonsense now. Know what? It's not important! He's cool. The episode was cool. Nuff said really.
Although I wouldn't mind me one of those sonic hairdryers, might be able to make my mop all smooth and frizz free!
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