Monday, 28 May 2007


Had a slight problem with my internet this morning when it refused to play. I kept getting annoyed with it, tried unplugging a few things, broadband box thingy just flashed at me, charming. So rang Fizz for help. She did that whole IT thing, "have you tried turning it off and switching it back on again?", did that, waited a few seconds, switched it back on again and result! Lights stopped flashing, went straight to internet and kindly informed me that my wireless connection is working! Wow. For months I have been getting that message saying no wireless and now, here I am, blogging on my groovy wireless connection. Get me. Mind, out of nervousness, am sat v.close to the box so can plug in again if it all goes tits up, but so far so groovy baby. How exciting. I can now wander around my house with my laptop and be all wi-fi, oooh suits you sir.

In other news, I won the blue puffball skirt that I was bidding for on ebay so v.happy about that. Will no doubt include a photo of me in said skirt at some point, just so you know how coolio it really is. Had a stonking good weekend for charidee shop shopping also. I had a feeling in my bones it was going to be a good trip and me and Fizz did so well out of it. I got me a red shiny belt with PUNK written on it (cos I so am), a go-jus flowery skirt that is v.bright, and an even more go-jus-er dress, that is black with big red flowers on and cut on a jaunty angle, sounds odd, but trust me, it be sooo pretty. It makes me feel all girlie and swirlie. And you know what, for those three things I spend me 9 quid, a most excellent shopping trip.

Made G&B muffins. Nice. We all had 2 each. Yum-a-licious. Think next time I'm going to make them double chocolate for extra yumness.

Went to see Zodiac today. It was long. But good. Sadly the ending was a bit hmmm, no real resolution. But oooh the eye candy. Fizz and I muchly enjoyed the tight trousers of the 70s, more shots of the boys walking away please. Sadly Jake Gyllenhaal didn't get his kit off but he did sit round in his boxers for a while which was a nice treat :o)

I have one word left to say Fizz: horn...


fizz said...

Dizz forgot to tell about the painting she's doing - she's making a summer bag which is going to be sooooo cool. I'm helping a bit with the sewing etc, but she's flying solo with the painting now, and I just know it's going to be beeyoootiful.

I love it when people say "Oooh where did you get your lovely bag/ necklace/ scarf/ whatever?" and I can reply (smugly) "I made it." Dizz will soon be experiencing that same inner glow. Welcome to my world.

Anonymous said...

beep beeeeep!

Librarian Girl said...

Ok, so I don't really know what 9 quid means (what a dumb american!) but congratulations on all your rad shopping!