Anyhoo, the baby shower. My only experience of baby showers was an episode of Sex and the City when Charlotte hosts a baby shower for Miranda, and Samantha immortalises the whole thing for me by saying, "girls can we cut the cake, I have a three-way to get to..." As hostess to said baby shower on Saturday, I didn't get to utter those words. But I did get to be responsible for the creation of this thing that we Brits know absolutely bupkiss about. I thought about it a while and decided that some vital ingredients would be tonnes of food, masses of cake, alcohol (for us girlies who still can) and party games! So far so good.
First things first: decorations. Cue one weekend of whoever walked into my house being coaxed into designing and painting a banner with cups of tea and lard-a-licious cake. And here it is:
Groovy eh? That coupled with the 15 balloons that I blew up and liberally scattered across the floor made for the decoration.
Next up: party games. I wasn't sure what they were supposed to be, and rather rude suggestions by a couple of friends (pin the baby on the nipple anyone?) were bypassed for good old tradition: pass the parcel and my own invented, pin the nappy on the baby. Slight problem, no baby. That was soon solved by baby doll Annabel kindly loaned by the lovely Iz. Competition was fierce. Here's me demonstrating my skills:
And here's the baby mama to be herself in close up, check out that pin skill peeps:
The go-jus prize of a baby pink stetson with shiny tiara glued on was L, she was so chuffed as you can imagine.
Anyhoo, food was consumed. Drinks were drunk. Mucho laughter. Mucho baby talk leading to very strange conversations that veered wildly from waxing body parts to our too kool for skool craz-eee outfits from the 90s (my favourite was my blue tapered trousers, blue flowered blouse with shoulder pads, and blue court shoes for one of my first night out clubbing, oh yes, stylish lay-dee) Tee hee.
So we have one more to go. If anyone has any real tips for what is actually supposed to happen they would be much appreciated! But I think the ingredients for that one were about as nice as a Green and Blacks cake x
The baby shower i had lots of fun, i had no idea to pin the nappy one, much to Dizz's horror! Lots of cake consumed - banner is great, in fact it's adourning the walls of my nursery!!!!
R (Aka Mama to be!)
I think you've been giving a certain person fashion tips!! Glad you had a great time, hope you feel better soon.
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