Friday, 23 March 2007

Daniel Craig - Move over Dr. McDreamy

I watched Layer Cake (with Daniel Craig) last night because it came highly recommended by Dizz. Her exact words were 'He's dirty'. Mmmmmm. Move over Dr. McDreamy.

I don't quite see why Dizz thinks he's dirty though. Isn't that how everyone does sex? I mean the anonymous hotel room, champagne and kinky underwear, not the guy leaving before you even get started.

And when I say that I watched a film with Daniel Craig, I don't mean he was on my sofa, I mean he was in the film. If he'd been on my sofa, I would not have seen the film. Just to clarify.


Claire said...

maybe it was a different film I saw where he was "dirty" then? I've confused myself now.

So you have a lot of sex in anonymous hotel rooms, Fizz?

Claire said...

I've just had a rethink. I reckon I said that because I want Mr Craig to be dirty. He is HAWT! Specially when he comes out of the water in James Bond, how does it go again Fizz? ooooohhhh

fizz said...

hotel rooms, lifts, swimming pools... although 'have' is not the correct tense. Nowadays I'm a boring, middle-aged born-again-virgin.