Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Radio Silence

When you don't have a whole lot of blog-gy news is it better to stay silent or just pop on and do a general ramble about not very much at all? I'm not sure there's a right or wrong answer there soooo let's ramble. 

Quick catch up then. Let's see: work is still kicking my ass, my other job looks set to fizzle out, I've been presented with a work opportunity that puts the fear of higher powers into me and I wish someone else could make the decision for me, we're still in the flat (though not for much longer), it's been snowing, bitterly cold, and generally the sort of weather that makes you want to hibernate. 

Pause for breath. 

I've put myself onto a strong-willed, no deviating from this strictness of not eating any more biscuits and cakes. Yesterday I turned down biscuits. Today I turned down a brownie. This is hardcore stuff, my friends. Even I was amazed at my own will power as my work buddy practically wafted the brownie up to my nose for me to smell that rich chocolatey goodness...those images you see where people have a pouch for a stomach? That's why I'm on this strictness, no fun thing. Too much festive eating and general blah-ness about flat living has not led to the best of eating practices. I heard a rumour that Wavey may turn down pudding in Paris which let's face it, with all those pastries is almost criminal! 

Second pause. 

The ironing pile is monumental. 

We have to pack up the flat. Again. 

I can't get enough of The Good Wife (Alicia Florrick is amazing and looks hot in her jeans. Way hot. What with her and crush alert. 

Wavey is in France this week. In 2 weeks time he is going to Barcelona, or maybe France. By January next year he might be in Moscow. The man leads a crazy work life. 

I am starting to enjoy herbal tea more... 

I'm beginning to wonder if setting myself a challenge of reading 50 books this year was a smidge ambitious. 

The Kingsmen was utter rubbish. We were very glad that we didn't pay for it and instead used the free tickets that I won. The watermelon sorbet with dark chocolate chips was frankly the best bit about it. 

I could do this all day you know...

Over and out. 

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