Sunday, 25 January 2015

App Love #1

I love apps. 

I love taking photos. 

I love apps that let you add interesting elements to photos.

Candy Camera is my new favourite app. I have an Android phone so I don't know if this is exclusive to the Google Play Store, but let's face it, Apple have ALL the apps so if it is Android exclusive, well that's just icing on the cake. Essentially the app allows you to take photos directly from inside and then edit, or you can import photos taken with just the phone camera and then edit from in there. You can add colours, bokeh (not entirely sure what that means), light, shapes,'s a really fun little toy. I love using it to mix up my photos and make them look that little bit more interesting. 

I've always loved taking photos but having a stonking good camera on my Samsung Galaxy has really increased my snappy-ness. That and my love for Instagram. Happy snappy days. What is your favourite camera app? 

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