Thursday, 4 September 2014


Currently the days are challenging. There's all sorts of blah house and Wavey's job stuff that no-one wants to read or hear about, and so I'm enjoying distractions. My Instagram feed is one of my most favourite distractions, cos who doesn't want to look at stunning photos or silly photos or outfit of the day photos #ootd 

So I thought I'd share a few of my favourites for you to seek out and enjoy too. Spoiler alert: you might be surprised by some of these as I generally don't come across as being all coo-ey over tiny dogs and pigs, but I love them unashamedly and might even admit to the odd squeeee popping out of my mouth. 

@hailzoltar: a teeny tiny black pug who is quite simply adorable

@prissy_pig: a teeny tiny girl pig and her brother. Completely bonkers and very possibly wrong to make pigs wear tutus but an absolutely awesome distraction

@dexterandthebear: a giant cat and a cockapoodle dog. Worth it for the captions alone, and they are the pets of the fabulous @modelrecommends

@meanwhileinnowhere: doors. Of all shapes, colours, and sizes. Genius. 

@natgeo: AWESOME nature photographs. Totally awesome. Lions, tigers, and leopards, and many many more, oh my!

@finalcutking: unbelievable editing and comedy genius in short video format. My most recent discovery and makes me laugh out loud every single time

If you don't have Instagram, then seriously I urge you to get an account. It's beyond brilliant and it has absolutely been my discovery of the year. If you have any recommendations to share, please do so. Especially if it will make me laugh and possibly squeal out of sheer cuteness. Stop it. Safe to say my tough cookie reputation just went down the pan. Nyeh.

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