Monday, 2 June 2014


In actual fact, #553minutes. 

Let's revisit. I first blogged about the #1800minutes challenge here and then I did another update here and a little bit more here I started out so well, I really did. And then #finalproject took over and my life was #prettymuchwellover

553 minutes. I'm actually quite ashamed. I mean on the one hand it's 553 minutes that I did spend time moving about and not just sitting on my arse. But it's a very long way off #1800minutes. And to be fair to myself I think the whole finishing my final project for Masters did have to come first but it's pretty rubbish. Will I ever just be totally into exercise? Will that magically happen when I turn the big 4-oh next year? I highly doubt it. 

On the other plus side, Wavey and I are totally into our evening stroll and each and every step was faithfully recorded throughout the challenge. We even got our shiny new trainers muddy last night as we stomped through some previously untrodden ground, despite living in this village almost my whole life! We came home with seriously hot feet syndrome and pretty much abandoned our trainers at the door:

And again on the plus side, the 553 minutes combined with eating healthier did help me drop a few pounds and a dress size - this is not too shabby an outcome at all. 

I shall continue to walk. I shall continue to log my minutes in my little iPod. And I shall continue to hope that one day the gym bunny will sneak into my head and make me long for exercise. When that day does happen I might start my own challenge ... but don't hold your breath. 

However it doesn't end there! Clearly I am a sucker for some kind of challenge. This time I'm taking part in a photograph challenge on my new love, Instagram. Come and join in the fun, my profile is here 

Hopefully I will be better at that challenge. 

Over and out. 

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