Sunday, 23 February 2014

Discovery of the week

And it's back! Just when you thought there might never be any further discoveries. This week I have found 2 new things that are filling me with joy.

First up let's talk lotions and potions. I'm a big fan of Benefit makeup but it also has quite big price labels when you're a skinty skint student, so I've been seeking a cheaper alternative to my primer. And I've found it:

Step forward Maybelline Baby Skin. For a whole £7, and a bigger tube, you can have silky soft skin at a fraction of what I had been paying. It glides on, it blends in, it does hide pores, and it didn't make my skin freak out at a new product - all round win-win. 

Discovery number 2 is a tv programme. We were idly flicking through the channels the other day and saw a trailer for Salamander on BBC4. It looked pretty cool so we started watching on catch up. And then kept on watching. And again until now where we are completely hooked! 

It is Belgian and so there are subtitles but it truly is brilliant. There's lots going on and it's full of intrigue, plus there's car chases and shoot 'em ups so it's totally up my street. I'd highly recommend a look-see but be quick as the first few episodes are only available on catch up telly for a few more days. We've got two episodes waiting to watch now and I might have to just go and watch one immediately for my daily fix!

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