Sunday, 12 January 2014

Discovery of the week

As well as writing this blog, I also read a number of blogs. I am frequently impressed by the diligence that many of these blog keepers have for regular posting, some even have certain posts that they write on the same day each week. I like this feature, I really do. My approach to posting is pretty cack handed to be honest, sometimes I post daily and others times it can be weeks. Posting the almost daily photos in December left me feeling quite inspired to try to continue this regularity and so I'm introducing a new feature which I am going to call "Discovery of the Week"

The title itself is a bit of a giveaway really. Basically each week I'll post about a discovery. There's no rules, it can be absolutely anything, even one of those oh! lightbulb moments. It would be great if anyone reading wanted to add their own discoveries too - share the love. 

Now that I've made the introductions, here is my discovery for this week: TWO Magazine by Pixiwoo 

TWO Magazine is a free digital magazine. It's entirely possible I'm late to this party but I'd not really heard of digital magazines, other than digital editions of printed titles. But this is amazing, and even more so because it's free. It's very plush! I viewed it on my tablet and the photography is sensational. It's mainly about beauty so I'm sure it won't appeal to everyone but if you like reading about lotions and potions it's right up your street. It's also quite interactive, there are videos you can watch, and if you like a product, a little button next to it means that one click will take you to where you can buy it. Clever eh? 

So there you go. My discovery of the week. Now I just need to remember that I've introduced this as a weekly feature and actually do it. Here's hoping...

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