Thursday, 5 December 2013

5: Weather

In true Michael Fish style: there have been winds of up to 106mph today here in the north east and there are several weather warnings in place that tides could surge to the highest they have been in 60 years. 

My sister lost 3 fence panels in the north west. 

And at around about 3pm today this happened:

In other news: my faith in hairdressers is slowly being restored. After receiving a recommendation from a friend I went to a new hairdresser today to have my fringe cut. She did very well to hide her visible reaction to my triangular Doris cut and confirmed that yes, I had been on the receiving end of a disaster haircut. She then talked me through a technique she can use which begins with the letter W (I want to say whittling but I think this involves wood carving so possibly not the correct term...) and involves taking a lot of the bulk out of my hair in order for it to have shape and definition. At no point in this conversation did I detect bullshizz coming from this lady, just a genuine offer to restore my hair to its natural curly glory. 

I know it's silly but the disaster haircut has honestly rendered me embarrassed by my locks and this is not something I am either used to or enjoy. My hair is a big (literally) part of my style, and the disaster haircut was genuinely upsetting (again literally, as I actually cried). I am not rejoicing just yet as I will have to see the final result but I have hope. There are a couple of reasons for this. First off she didn't charge me to cut my fringe - free haircut! Magic words to my skinty-skint ears. And my friend (who incidentally has gorgeous hair) describes her as "absolutely mint". Enough said, I think. 

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