Friday, 13 September 2013

Summer Lovin'

Much as I am trying to resist it, I just have to look out of the window and see the grey sky and notice that I am wearing a cardigan and jeans and wondering about socks...I think summer is over. Bummer to the end of summer. But what a summer it has been, highs and lows, ups and downs. For the first time in years we have had hot sunny days and long balmy nights, the sky has been blue and cloudless, I've worn my entire summer wardrobe that had previously been filed away under 'may never wear again'. If I had to choose a summer to be unemployed I couldn't have picked a better one. I've spent almost every minute outside either working or just enjoying the sun. The big yellow ball in the sky has well and truly rocked it! Here's some visuals of my Summer '13:

Missing you already sunshine. PLEASE come back next year!

1 comment:

Iwona said...

Cool blog! I greet:)