Friday, 9 August 2013

Worrying Trends

Not only have I emptied, cleaned, and rearranged all my kitchen cupboards this week, I have also cleaned both the front and back windows...

I have actively started seeking out the Top 40 music that I listen to in the car to listen at home as well. I even contemplated adding some of my favourites here, but then I had a word with myself...

I completed four sewing tasks that I have had on hold for quite some time. And used a sewing machine to do them. The lines were even almost straight...

I made a decision to not buy any new clothes for the next year. This alarms me somewhat and I'm not sure it will happen but no money means no luxuries...

I considered going back to dying my own hair. The bathroom protested. Loudly...

I laughed out loud at a chick flick. Lots of times. It was The Heat, and I do love Sandy, and I reckon that Melissa McCarthy is a comedy genius. Actually I take this one back. I'm not so worried by this one. 

I have been eating salad almost everyday. And I am really enjoying it. So colourful! 

Worrying indeedy...

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