I've also noticed that the blog world is full of very glamorous young women posting daily photos of what they wear, where they bought their outfit from in case someone wants to replicate it, and it's not just one photo, it's about 10 of different parts of their outfit. I think these women must have someone who walks around and takes their daily photos as it's quite tricksy to take good photos of parts of yourself as I discovered earlier. Just for a laugh, I thought I'd give it a try for my outfit for today. Several disasters and deletions later this is the only one that was anywhere near useable:
And just in case you should want to replicate my look (and somehow I doubt this) here is the information:
- Battered old shoes: New Look, at least 2 years old, which is actually some kind of miracle for me, the killer of shoes
- Orange sparkley tights: no idea. But they've got a big hole at the top of the leg. Classy, eh?
- Floral skirt: this one I can do. Marks and Spencer. It's actually from this season but I got it for less than the price of £30 as my Ma had some discount vouchers, sweet!
- Pale blue Oxford style shirt, H&M, last year at least
- Battered black vest, £3 from Peacocks. They've closed down now so you can't buy from there anymore, sad face
- Hoop ear-rings: who knows where?!
- Multiple rings: um, yep, no idea. But won't have cost more than a fiver
- Just got out of bed hair, all of my own making...
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