Saturday, 9 February 2013

Elbows at the ready

I had a bit of time to kill yesterday before meeting my ladies for lunch but wanted to avoid going into places that would involve spending lots of money (in other words, stay away from Accessorize). Always a trusty alternative I decided to hit the charidee shops of Boro for a mooch around. Yowsers it was vicious! I'm used to the gentle charidees of Norton where people are polite and move around quietly admiring the goods on display. In the three shops that I went into yesterday there was heckling and goading of the staff, there was serious elbowing out of the way in case I wanted to look at that top that she was determined she was having, someone else literally got pushed out of the way when one woman went for a purse, and every single shop was heaving and bustling - I seriously did have to have my elbows at the ready to get a look at anything. Sheesheroonie! I was rather alarmed.

Turned out to be well worth the alarming experience though as I snaffled myself a rather fantastic handbag that I plan on using at the wedding I am attending this year:

I have no idea what the outfit will be or what colour but I am seriously hearting this bag. It even still has the strap inside which is always good and was a bargainous fiver. In my head I'm seeing a rather fabulous suit with 3/4 sleeves and wide flared's questionable if I will actually find said fabulous outfit as I always set my heart on something and then can seldom find what I'm looking for, but at least I have my fantastic handbag.

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