Saturday, 11 February 2012


Presents are brilliant. Especially presents that are essentially money so that you can buy whatever you like whenever you like. A wide variety of gift cards came my way for both Christmas and birthday:

First up I hit the clothes shops where I came away with one basic black long sleeved tee, and one lush coral jumper that is shiny sparkley and is already my favourite even though I haven't worn it yet. Top that off with one pair of black opaque tights (cos a gal can never have too many pairs of tights) and it was back to the coral for some lovely suede pumps. Next shop to spend some birthday cash on some bright funky parrot ear-rings. The bookshop was after that where I bought the new Kate Morton and the Japanese equivalent of Stieg Larsson. From there to the beauty shop to buy some new mascara, a thick black eyeliner and a raspberry coloured plastic ring. Good haul!
I found myself with £10 left over. Hmmmm, well we need something for dinner and since Wavey has been away and we're totally spoiling ourselves with our chill out weekend, let's buy dinner instead!
I was left with £1.18. It cost me £1 for the carpark...just 18p left. Sadly you can't buy anything for 18p these days so that will hit the spare change jar. 

Shopping. Isn't it brilliant?!

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