Studmuffin 1: well I had this girl at my house one night and in the morning, at breakfast, I offered her a FAB lolly cos I didn't have any toast or cereal or anything...
*cue muffled sniggering from the boys*
Studmuffin 1: ...and she got all huffy and everything and I mean come on boys, a FAB lolly, you just would wouldn't you, I don't get what was the matter with her...I'd be well chuffed if someone offered me a FAB for breakfast...
I couldn't help it, I sniggered along with those boys. A FAB lolly! Well it's different I'll give him that.
The second night it started to heat up a bit after Studmuffin 1 had clearly spent much of the night wooing and charming some lovely lucky girl. Whom he later described as "a walking wet wipe"...have you ever heard anything so filthy?! In the same night, Studmuffin 2 was telling everyone about how he'd nearly copped off with some 50 year old bird. But she was hot, with like really nice legs and a tan and everything. And imagine being able to go home and tell all your mates that you shagged some 50 year old at Latitude. Imagine indeedy.
By night 3 I was envisaging some awfulness. But Studmuffin 1 didn't come back! Or at least he did, but by then his mate had already pissed on the campfire so he had to go and join someone else's party, where I'm sure he regaled them with the FAB lolly story, these things are always better told to complete strangers who will stand back in admiration at such a vision of a gentleman...
All chuckling aside however, Tizz and I had a really fabulous time. It was so nice to catch up with each other and spend happy times and happy days together:
Miss you already Tizz! Come visit us soon xx
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