I happened to watch a program called 'What time is it?' last night. It was about relativity, the big bang, alternative universes and so on. I know, most of you are thinking 'yawn' - bit that's the sort of thing that rocks my boat. Even so, I didn't expect it to be quite so interesting - part of it was shot at Chichen Itza in Mexico - my old stomping ground. But the BIG surprise was the presenter, one Professor Brian Cox. This guy does NOT look like a professor. He looks like an indie-boy rock star. And he has this goofy smile and quirky sense of humour, talks with his hands and gets really enthusiastic about sciency stuff. I was close to licking the screen right off my telly.
But then, this morning, I googled him and it turns out he IS a rock star! (Well, a pop star). He was in D:Ream. Is this man for real? THEN I read he was science consultant on the film Sunshine - so he knows Cillian Murphy!
Unfortunately he's married. Oh, and seriously famous and out of my league. Sigh. Pine.

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