Monday, 3 September 2007

Happy Holidays!

I'm pretty sure that most of you are aware that me and Tizz are off on our jollies, to, oh where is it again? Oh yes, SAN FRANCISCO! Ooooohhh boy. I can barely contain the excitement now. I'm practically having to sit on my hands at work to stop them from flying around all over the place cos they are where all the excitement is going to! That and the many exclamation marks I see dancing across my eyes as I type things. So I thought I'd do a pre-holiday post, and then pass you over to the very capable hands of Fizz who will keep you entertained with all her shenanigans, until we get back and can bore you all senseless with our hundreds of photos and travel stories that are really only funny to you.

So what's been happening? Well, I've been making lists. And shopping. Seriously, does the organisation for holidays ever end? I think I have everything now, but I'm bound to forget something, cos I'm rubbish like that. I take consolation in that we are going to a major American city, and I'm confident that if we run out of anything, they'll have it there. Surely?

Had my hair done. It's RED! And oh so shiny and sleek. I was telling everyone that it was my executive hair at work today, but it fell on deaf ears. Methinks they doubt my executive-ness. Pah! And I had my eyebrows waxed too so I'm groomed central for my hol.

Oooh just got off phone with Tizz! Oooooh we're soooo excited. Sorry. Sorry. Must contain myself.

Went to see Baby 1 yesterday. Oh. He be cute. Oh so cute. He's lovely and smiley and really placid and he was totally staring me out! What is it about babies and staring out? It's really quite freaky. But he's forgiven, being as he's so cute and all.

And that my friends is that I think. I hope you all have a lovely 2 weeks. I know it's going to be hard but try not to miss me and Tizz too much. And just think how much joy you'll have to read all about our adventures, in the city where they wear flowers in their hair. All together now, if you're gooooooing to San Fran-cis-co, be sure to wear some flowers in your haaaaaaiiiirrrrrr, iiiiiin the streets of San Fran-cis-co...

Ta-ta my lovelies xx


fizz said...

Won't they have internet cafes in San Fran? Do we really have to wait 2 weeks to hear anything from you? You're going to leave me all alone and not even blog?

Librarian Girl said...

Oh, I'm so excited for you! You're coming to my coast! Can't wait to hear about it.