Monday, 13 August 2007

a numbered list

I realised yesterday that it has been a fair while since any of us have had something to say on the blog, and it made me feel a wee bit remorseful. Thus, in the spirit of rectifying the situation, here follows a numbered list, in no particular order, of what the past few days have revealed:
1. That I can drag my lazy arse out of bed, get to work for 8.40 in the a.m and make up a very respectable 25 minutes in flexi-time if I am so inclined
2. That a blustery summer wind can whip up a funky blue puffball skirt in the style of Marilyn Monroe, thus causing me the embarrassment of the whole world seeing my knickers and a very loud EEEK to be shrieked in the street
3. Distressing as a dead bird in the yard and a huge chuff-off spider in the kitchen can be, having a man-friend in the house during these events eases the squeamishness factor somewhat. Wow was I impressed with the speediness that these creatures disappeared from my life, it takes me an age to psych myself up enough to get rid of them!
4. That flip flops dry out remarkably fast, even after squelching through huge puddles from the TORRENTIAL downpour
5. That my most favourite make-up brand, Urban Decay, originates from California, which must surely mean that I'm going to be able to buy a TRUCK LOAD of it whilst in SF for very bargainous prices, yay!
6. That my current obsession with purple will soon have to end, as it's the colour for the Autumn/Winter collections, and once the common people start wearing it, it has to be gone from my wardrobe, sob sob (yeah yeah I know, snob snob)
7. The Amy MacDonald cd is stuck in my stereo. It's the only reason I can give for it being on constant playback (my poor neighbours)
8. Drinking many different types of white wine, and tequila slammers, in the same night results in a lot of sleeping and a very bad hangover
9. I'm always hugely excited whenever the blog gets comments from strangers. I mean, like, wow. I always want a million questions answered and have to physically restrain myself from emailing them to ask all the questions. But how do they find us?
10. That as I had previously thought, it doesn't take a great deal of alcohol for me to reveal my secret crushes, turns out it just takes Smarties icecream, well, there you go
11. My hula-hooping has improved slightly. I managed, ooh, about 4 seconds yesterday. I was impressed anyway
12. Exercise balls are actually much more fun as giant basketballs, they don't half bounce well!
13. That as well as being Dizz, I am also Ditz. Honestly, I've been doing such dopey things, I'm shaking my head at myself
14. It really really makes your eyes water when you bang your ankle bone against the door of a toilet cubicle (ouch)
15. And finally, I've come to realise that sometimes telling people exactly what is on your mind can work miracles, it really can. I've done this to two people recently and the efforts that have been made since I said my piece have been admirable. I'm proud of them. And proud of me too for having the balls to say these things.

And that my blog friends (and strangers!) is all. I have to go and try my new exercise ball dvd now: Bounce yourself fit/trim/slim (I can't remember the exact title). Ta-ta xx


fizz said...


Claire said...

It might be...then again it might not be. I'm not sure secret crush was the right phrase, it should possibly have been instead: men that I so would...

You probably already know most of them. I'm sure I've admitted to one or two names in previous conversations we've had ;o)

tizz said...

I need to know!!!!! Think I need a detailed e mail from you missy. Sorry I've been so lax but I can't get the internet working in my room and when L's on nights I can't get access :(

Librarian Girl said...

Urban Decay is totally affordable here. You will be loving it.