Anyhoo, 6 days off has meant lots of playing out. And the playing in refers to my new digital camera and finding my feet with it, so here, in no particular order of importance is my week so far, in pictures and words:
Day 1
Sun was shining, hence the need for vest tops and cheeky bunches
Task for the 6 days off was to completely revamp this chest of drawers that I got from my ma and pa. Colour: Coffee Liquer (think Baileys and you'd be very close, they look good enough to eat!). So this above is the before
Ah my pretty as a postcard village, always looks so much nicer in the sunshine
Close-up of the spurting fountain there, whooo there it goes
Day 1 was busy!
Day 2 I went a-visiting and couldn't really take photos, cos it was on an exclusive estate and they'd no doubt have had the police on to anyone taking photos, thinking that their joints were being cased. I'm sure they called out the estate security as I got lost in 5 different cul-de-sacs trying to get out. The sight of a crazy woman gesturing from a mustard coloured Fiat Punto will surely have had the locals worrying.
Day 3 was mainly spent with Fizz. I was so chilled out and v.sleepy from my late night that I fell asleep on the sofa! I never do that at people's houses, ever! How very rude.
Day 4 met Cat and J from work for our oh-so-cultural day of visiting the local art gallery, drinking Latte, munching nice biccies, followed by a HUGE Sunday roast:
And that was without my Yorkshire Pudding which they'd forgotten to put on there. I soon sorted that out, never you fear!
Today has been more painting (will take a photo of the finished product) and shopping for pretty summer dresses for my San Fran hol with Tizz. I now have my hands on the new Harry Potter book so will be buried in that for the rest of the evening.
And for my very last day off tomorrow I'm off to Saltburn to meet the latest addition to Dizz's world: Baby 1. How exciting! I'll be taking photos but don't think that Baby 1 should have world fame (!) at just 5 days old, so maybe save them for a while. I will take more photos though, just cos I can, with my new camera. Oh how I love new toys.
Bye-bye x
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