Monday, 2 April 2007

Three Doctors and a Website

The new website for our theatre group is now live! It's only taken me about 6 months to get round to it. Check out the photo gallery - hopefully, I'll be adding lots more as people give me their photos to scan in. I'll also be adding to the crew profiles as they get written.

I've decided I don't like the background colour. It looks fine on my laptop at home, but on my flat screen at work it looks more like mustard that's gone off a bit. So that will get sorted tonight.

Does anyone have any criticism? Links that don't work, pictures that don't load, or (heaven forfend) the odd typo or grammar faux-pas? Let me know please.

Dr. McDreamy - I was so convinved that he was going to snog Meredith when he found her crying in the linen cupboard. Get on with it, I say.

Dr. O'Malley - is anyone else strangely drawn to his little-boy-lost eyes?

Dr. Who - did you see him wink? Ohhh. Shame he didn't put his glasses on though.


Claire said...

ooh Fizz you're right about the colour, it looks like baby poo. Get that sorted quick sharpish!

You know how much I love Dr Who, but I too am starting to heart George from Gray's Anatomy. He is so bless, and I was seriously loving him in his hat when they took the dog to Dr McD last night

tizz said...

Have to say the website's looking fabulous! So proud! Hope they're going to advertise it on the programme well. Love the profiles too, very good idea!

Librarian Girl said...

It sounds like you guys may be getting Gray's Anatomy a little later than here in the States. Don't worry, McDreamy action will be coming soon!

fizz said...

Thanks for that, Librarian Girl. We've got the 'Code Black' episode coming up - it looks exciting! And you know what happens already - I'm not jealous, not a bit.

No, really, I can cope with everone in the States' knowing what happens in Gray's Anatomy because I suspect you don't even get to see Dr. Who. You don't know what you're missing - he so sexy in his glasses. Last week he was in his pyjamas and he winked at Martha - these little things fill my soul with contentment.

Librarian Girl said...

We don't get Dr. Who here. But the first and second season are on dvd, so I just put them in my dvd-mailer queue! Thanks for the tip.

Claire said...

Just to let you know Librarian Girl, that it's season 2 when we start hearting the Dr the most. Christopher Eccleston from series 1 is great as the Dr but it's David Tennant that we heart the most in his glasses! Enjoy though, a most excellent choice

fizz said...

Librarian Girl, I know you're going to enjoy Dr. Who. The first series is worth watching just for the line 'lots of planets have a north', but it's series 2 when it really gets good.

It's a shame about Billie Piper ('Rose') though, I'm sure you'll see what I mean. We're on series 3 here, and she's gone, wa-hay! We've got Martha Jones now and she's much smarter, sassier and generally cooler.

If you'd like to know more about The Doctor there's loads about him on wikipedia - check it out, you'll probably get more out of the experience if you know a bit of the background. We Brits take it all for granted, he's such an integral part of our national identity. I'll be really interested to read your opinion...
