Tuesday, 17 April 2007


You know they say it never rains but it pours? Well, it's pouring curtains.

I agreed to sort out Wavey's curtain problems, as we all know, kicking off the whole engagement debacle. Then another friend, E, asked if I would take up the spare curtains in his front room. Then Dizz, bless her, asked me to make the curtains for her new bedroom, and before I knew it I ended up with 5 sets of curtains in my tichy little flat. So the bank holiday weekend will forever be known as The Weekend of the Curtains.

Over a week later, and the curtain mountain hasn't really diminished much. I've finished Dizz's though, and she seems pleased with them - they are prdy: nice gauzy, flowery, see-through stuff over a gold-coloured lining. Only 4 more pairs to go...


Anonymous said...

ah that's it you see you're too clever, i can't sew on a button, so never get ask!

Claire said...

Anonymous is right Fizz, if you weren't so good at the crafty stuff then we wouldn't ask you. I do heart my curtains muchly, it's so nice to wake up with the sun pouring through the gauzy golden fabric.

Also, don't forget, curtains also stand as currency, for things like ooh food and keys to gardens...

Librarian Girl said...

You better watch out, if you get too many more projects going, it could be "curtains for you!"

Worst joke ever. I just had to say it.

Anonymous said...

keys to gardens ?

garden-gate padlocks come with only 2 keys. One, I think, should stay with the head-gardener but who should keep the other ?

Curtain-meister Fizz ? Top-chef Dizz ? or perhaps Tizz might be interested ?

advice sought (but oh that pasta bake !)

fizz said...

Wavey - I think you should let Dizz be the key-holder. She is definitely the more responsible of the two of us, and she has a gojus new key-ring to put it on.

tizz said...

Hey Wavey!
Would love to be key holder to the garden - never seen it but heard its perfect for BBQ time! Unfortunately being where I am probably disqualifies me as if original keys were lost/misplaced you'd be waiting a while for the spares, therefore, I too nominate dizz as designated key holder!

Anonymous said...

... and so for the bargain price of a fine pasta-bake and a curtain-promise Dizz, Fizz and Tizz have acquired the non-exclusive rights to dig, weed, water and plant - also occasional sun-worshipping permitted (bikinis mandatory; loungers not-provided)