Thursday, 18 January 2007

Pan's Labyrinth

Dizz and I went to see Pan's Labyrinth last night at Arc - brilliant venue, Dizz was allowed to take her mug of hot chocolate in with her, and in the past we've even bought a bottle of wine and taken it in with us, although that just wasn't on last night 'cos it was a school night.

All in all it was a brilliant film. The visual effects were stunning, the magical world was creepy, unsettling and beautiful and the little girl who played Ofelia was incredibly good. My favourite creature was the saggy man with the eyes in his hands.

There was just one big negative - how GORY it was. Wasn't expecting that at all - I thought it was a pleasant little children's fable. Nope. Within the first 15 minutes the baddie smashes a man's nose in with a beer bottle. There was even one point where the entire audience sucked their breath in through their teeth, as the baddie sewed his own face together after having had his mouth considerably widened by a paring knife. Eeewww. Dizz was doing a turtle impression (now you know why those jumpers are called turtle-necks) and I was peeking through my fingers.

So, if you get a chance to see it, wear a big jumper, or take some other object to hide behind (or get it on DVD and watch from behind the comfort of your own sofa). And if you're lucky enough to see it at a cinema that serves hot chocolate, remember the relevant word is HOT. You know what I mean, Dizz.


Claire said...

Fizz neglected to say that she followed the whole thing, being the learned girl that she is, even though it was in Spanish. I was subtitle-reliant but had to do sharp intake of breath at each "puta", oooh naughty word!! My favourite: la luna, so sing-songy, ask for my spoken version of it, it's like a wee song...

fizz said...

This is Dizz last night...

Anonymous said...

Jonathan Ross was absolutely raving about Pan’s Labyrinth too; I’m definitely going to try to see it. On the topic of film reviews, I saw The Last King of Scotland last week, it was fantastic. I can see why Forest Whitaker is being talked up for an Oscar; he gives an amazing performance as Idi Amin. James McAvoy certainly earned his fee as he’s in practically every scene, but that’s no hardship as he’s very easy on the eye and gets his bum out! But again, a turtleneck may be required, it does get very gory towards the end, I was watching through my fingertips.

Anonymous said...

Pan's Labyrinth.. any guns or car chases involved?

Anonymous said...

lots of guns and car chases in Last King Of Scotland Bob ;-)

fizz said...

No car chases Bob, but some guns used to very gory effect. However, there are fairies, so I imagine the guns and car chases point is moot.

Anonymous said...

Fairies, with guns! Sold.