Saturday, 31 December 2011

The year that we did!

It hardly seems like 5 minute ago since I was posting about how 2011 was going to be the year of the do. Now it's the last day of 2011 and I think it's safe to say that we definitely did! 

We had holidays. Lots of them. In many beautiful and amazing places that I can bring back in the blink of an eye:

We had a glamourous Mad Men cocktail party where the gals wore frocks and the boys wore tuxedos and we drank drinks of every colour:
 I hosted a Mad Hatter's afternoon tea party and raised over £100 for the Eve Appeal charity:
We got all dressed up and wore hats and went to the races to celebrate T's 30th birthday:
I acted like an eejit in a tent:
 We attended a nostalgia weekend and saw some amazing cars:
 We grew some mighty fine veg!

 Built a raft!
Wavey had his first ever real Christmas tree:
But most of all, we did the best thing in the world. We laughed and loved with the peeps we love to love and love to laugh with:

 Happy new year! Here's to 2012...

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Down with the kids...

...cos we're so reem apparently. Well it was one of the cases that I considered for my new souped up chop shop crackberry. The old one was apparently completely booogered and so they've sent me a replacement. Except the one I had was red, a wee little redberry, and they've sent me a black one. But I had to keep the back of my old one so I'm half black, half red, and still with one of the berries missing. Not that this bothers me one jot, I'm so not precious about what my things look like, erm hello I carried a purse held together with a scruffy old hair bobble for about 2 years and I spend most of my life in shoes that have holes in them, nyeh.

But as Wavey has a black blackberry too we need to make them look different hence the seeking out of new cases. I did consider the reem one mainly because I had no idea what it actually meant and figured something that said "keep calm and stay reem" is so what I need to carry around in my bag. Or not. So I went for the one with big goggly eyes on it, heee!

It's exciting times to be back in the 21st century. Except that I can't quite figure out how to get facebook back on it, but I do have all my free chat back up and running. Woo hoo! I have been proper outraged that I've had to pay to talk to people, pay! I mean, say what?! So last century! 

Best of all is that the guy telling me to backup actually gave good advice as all my contacts were still inside the phone when I restored it. Big relief. Has been good to recognise who messages are from now rather than me asking, who are you and why are you texting me? 

It's been a reet busy old day in Dizz and Wavey land. We've been back at my old house a-glossing up a storm ready for the new year project. Hope you've all had good days :D

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Stepping out

Wavey, ever the one who worries about jobs and tasks, decided that today was the day to mend the fence. We've had several storms of very high winds that have bashed our garden around good and proper. Of course today is another day of high winds so it's the perfect time to fix the fence. Most of my task was basically hanging onto it for dear life and keeping it straight (you ever tried that when the wind is buffeting you from all directions? Tricky I tells ya!) oh and realising that we needed some longer screws. Our village is very well equipped with a fab little hardware shop that has screws of every kind you can desire in little tubs for very cheap prices. So I trek off down there. In my paint splattered jeans, paint splattered hoodie and muddy wellies...only a few folk looked at me as if to say WTF is she wearing. What's the problem? Garden chic is the look I was totally going for...

Anyhoo the fence is now fixed and I've risked pegging out some washing with double the number of pegs in the hope that it dries in the blustery winds (understatement). I'm pretty sure that I'm going to have to keep an eye on the washing or our duvet cover and pillowcases will be flying through the air all the way to Oz. 

Still got a few more days left of the holidays, but Wavey has big plans for starting on my old house (a whole other blog story). Yawn, I just wanna be lazy but he's such a task master! I've no doubt we will set about doing all these jobs cos we just can't help ourselves...over and out.

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Ho ho grrrrr Merry Christmas!

Santa came! He really did, we must have been good boys and girls as we got some really rather fine and dandy presents including a tripod for Wavey to play with his camera and a purple "ice" watch for me, yay! 

But I think it's safe to say that Wavey's favourite present was these:

He's yet to take them off, he loves them so much. 

And I got a chef's blowtorch! So basically I can't wait until I can get into the kitchen and start setting things on fire all in the name of gourmet food.

As we didn't deviate from Delia the day ran very smoothly indeedy. Nothing broke, the turkey was marvellous, the parsnips were a smidge caramelised but the rest of the dinner was really yummy, and Delia's mincemeat and apple crumble was a deeeeelicious alternative to Christmas pud. But there must be some kind of family curse cos my sister's boiler broke! But as she has kiddies they get priority service so it should be getting fixed in a couple of days, and it's actually kinda mild outside, we're not buried underneath snow our freezing our asses off in minus temperatures, so heating is not really needed that much. 

Anyhoo, hope you all had festive and happy times. Merry Christmas 2011!

Friday, 23 December 2011

Old faithful

The last 36 hours:
Early am - last minute shopping:
"In practice this means sallying forth for the freshest vegetables (sprouts, leeks, parsnips, onions, carrots, celery, swede, potatoes) and fruit...because they need to last over the whole holiday. Everyone else will be doing the same of course so do get out early..."

Bugger! Already failed :( this year I was promising to be faithful to Delia so that she wouldn't send her little elves to blow up the boiler/oven/insert electrical appliance choice here. So far I've had a lazy breakfast, had a shower, and decided on my outfit of the day to have lunch with the lovely Tizz and Fizz.

So, 11.22am (would Delia count this as early?) and I'm having a cuppa and considering making some pastry for mince pies. At least the turkey has arrived (timetabled for mid-morning) and I do intend to make the soup and prepare the veggies tomorrow which is actually a day behind does this woman do it?! But at 3pm tomorrow I can spend some quality time baking and singing Christmas wait, we've just re-read it and if I do those things today I'm actually ahead of schedule! Wooooo! However, I'm thinking that crowing about it is not the best plan or the elves will blow something up for sure. 

Please Delia, please be kind. My folks are coming for dinner and the last time they did the boiler broke and we had to huddle round the fire and wear vests for warmth...please let us have this one with no broken appliances! 

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Merry merry

Santa's little elves spent 3 hours this morning experiencing a small lull in proceedings. Then they spent 1 hour rushing around like loons as everyone decided to panic that libraryland is going to be closed for the deeeeliciously long time of 11 and a half days. The extra half made all the difference as it meant that Santa's little elves could go to the pub, eat toasties with chips, and drink real ale amongst lovely friends. 

Santa's little elf left the pub to head to nasty cheapo "Foneshop" (has to be spelled like that) in order to purchase a cheap and nasty "fone" thus allowing the world to be in contact once again, yay! (the broken Crackberry has finally gone off to be repaired but I can't see it being back in the elf mitts until at least the new year). For one week I was without phone and it was surprisingly okay, until the last couple of days when I really needed to make contact with peeps and had no way of doing it other than horrible nasty public phone boxes that are: a) very tricky to find these days, b) smell like wee, and c) cost 60p just to dial a frickin number - WTF?! After experiencing partial meltdown yesterday I decided it was time to say enough of this nonsense, hence the trip to the "foneshop" A gal's gotta have her peeps, that's all I'm saying. 

Santa's little elf then went to the magic sausage shop to buy the very much required chippolata sausages that have to be wrapped in yummy bacon and charred til they are black, to go with the giant turkey that is now living in our fridge.

Finally Santa's little elf returned home to mucho jumping around for joy and full of merry merry festive spirit and anticipation of the next 11.5 days that don't involve work, alarms, public transport hell, battling with elbowing panic shoppers, and other general madness that is this time of year. Happy holidays y'all!

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Howling wolf

Next door had a really really big really really smelly dog that used to live outside all year round. Suddenly we don't see the really really big really really smelly dog, instead we see a little stone with his name on it in the garden. Oh oh and we are sad. Really really big really really smelly dog has been replaced by howling wolf. Oww oww owwwwwwwww on constant play. Either someone is playing a really sick joke and has this on a record or they have a new dog that how-how-howwwwwwwwwwls all the time. We reckon it might be a puppy who misses its owner how-how-howwwwwwwwwwww or it might be an older dog that we didn't know existed who misses the really really big really really smelly dog. 

Either way, we wake up to the how-how-howwwwwwwww, it accompanies us through the day and takes us to bed how-how-howwwwwwwwwwww. 

Maybe I'm noticing it more today because I'm feeling really really blah. We were supposed to be at a family pre-Christmas gathering, but instead we had to cry off for fear I would either hurl in the car on the way there, or hurl when we got there as some kind of sick welcome and merry merry to you *barf* Whatever, it ain't a good look to be taking to the family. Have got heaps planned for this week, many merry gatherings, I shall be totally and utterly gutted if all plans have to go the way of today. In fact, I'll join in with next door, all together now, how-how-howwwwwwwwwwww.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

One week to go...

...and the sparkley lights and tinsel are out. We LOVE the decorations we do!

And this little guy goes all the way back to when me and my sis were tiny tots with our eyes all aglow:

Merry Merry folks!

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Saturday, 10 December 2011

On hold Saturday

It seems like I've spent most of today on hold on various telephones listening to many different varieties of awful muzak. Barf and double barf. And was I successful in my on hold ventures? Was I arse! I ended up giving up several times and even *hangs head in shame* had total petulant full on strop after waiting 15 minutes and getting nowhere, slammed the phone down once, which didn't feel satisfying enough so did it another 3 or 4 times all the while shouting and ranting and general ridiculousness like that. Totally proud of myself there...

I hasten to add that there wasn't anyone on the end of that line. Just a stupid automated voice that kept telling me my call really was important to them and if I just stayed on hold and spent several more pounds on their 0845 number...NO! Stop! Don't get started again. I don't want to throw anything else around. 

The rest of the day has flown by in a whirr of activity. We were up and about bright and early. I went and had my eyebrows ripped off whilst Wavey went and secured our Christmas turkey and bought some yummy sausage rolls for mid-morning snack. Then we went round to my old house and picked up post and did a bit more checking out and making mental lists of jobs. Then we dropped off post for someone else, then we went and collected various parcels, came home and demolished yummy sausage roll with a cup of magic coffee, next up we went to the Funky Rug Shop (great name, even greater shop) and bought, well, a funky rug for the horrid purple room as was (will be posting some after shots once it's fully finished), Wavey's been and helped out taking old bits of carpet to the tip, I've been to the supermarket and braved the teeming crowds at the till points and now I'm blogging. Sheesh! It's not even 4pm and look how much we've achieved. Surely a pat on the back is well deserved!

Oh and guess what? It's Fizz's birthday and I know I'm not supposed to say anything but yada yada boo is what I say. And this is what else I say:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FIZZ, me old mucker. 

May your day be merry and happy and cake filled. MWAH! XxX

Friday, 9 December 2011

Deck the halls with tack

Today was officially put up the Christmas decorations day at work. And we have some truly awful decorations. I blogged about a couple of them last year but we seem to have excelled ourselves this year with the sad, old, very out of date tack. Here's a few photos for you to enjoy:

And just when you thought you were safe from the dead birds, the one I had on my desk last year has been joyously returned to me for safe keeping. It's not a great photo but you may be able to see that his evil beady eye is starting to peel away from the face giving it that extra eeek-factor...

Christmas tack - it truly makes being at work more bearable at this time of year.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

A Thursday Christmas song

On the 8th day of Christmas my true love gave to me a visit to the local toy emporium (also known as hell on earth):

Or more accurately, Wavey and I wandering down random isles calling out: puzzles? Moshi Monsters? Hex bugs? Me randomly pressing buttons on things that say push me, try me and trying to decide if £31 is only a tiny bit outrageous for a pogo stick that more resembles a trim ball (remember them anyone?!) with a stick attached to it. 

We <3 the toys we do...

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

A London Christmas song

On the first day of Christmas, London gave to me, a lovely walk upon a chilly canal:

On the second day of Christmas, London gave to me, 2000 Santas running:

On the third day of Christmas, London gave to me, a Christmas market on the Southbank:

On the fourth day of Christmas, London gave to me, a fabby weekend with the gorgeous Tizz:

That London - it rocks! 

Stay tuned for more Christmas songs and photos...