Greetings dear blog readers, and a most Happy New Year to you all. What a surprise, running just a bit behind the times with this greeting, but better late than never is my motto! I can't believe it's 2010! And how many times have I written '09' this week, doh! Will take some getting used to. And are we in the 'tweens' now? Cos apparently we were in the Noughties for the last decade. This one could be counted as the teenage years...or did I just make that up completely? Either way, it was a bit bonkers, all those mad tv programmes - Song of the Decade, TV Programme of the Decade, Film of get the picture. My recall of the past decade is, at best fuzzy, at worst, a winter fog type of lack of visibility. But that's not going to stop me giving you a rundown now is it? Hehe.
2000: Wow, all the way back there. The bestest thing I did, hands down in this year, was decide that living in London was beyond sucky and that it was time for me to march my northern arse back up to where it belonged. Don't get me wrong, I hearted London with lots of love, but by the end, I was utterly skint and debt ridden. And when you're both of these things in our fair capital, you can't really enjoy life very much at all. And so I made the monumental decision to return. In October. It was hard coming back, lots of swallowing of pride, but yep, wise decision.
2001: The year I started in Libraryland. I had been working in HMV, oh what a delight that was, but at the end of my seasonal post there, I was a bit lost. The phonecall from Libraryland saved me from poverty and utter boredom. Little was I to know that 9 years down the line I would still be there...but wishing I wasn't.
2002: The year I became a grown up...yeah right! I bought my house in September 2002. Again, hands down, most wisest decision ever. And for that I have the Dizz Pops to thank. As shortly after buying mine the housing market went utterly bonkers crazy and I was literally out-priced out of my own street, by 3 times as much as I'd paid. Phew. Good investment. Solid choice.
2003: Winter fog for this year...very fuzzy...visibility and memory recall poor.
2004: The year of
The Course. Libraryland very kindly paid for me to go on the special course that allows you to become a librarian. I had no idea that these tentative steps would bring me into blogland, and there I have remained since then, amen.
2005-2006: Pretty much lost most of these 2 years to
The Course. I don't think I realised quite how much work was going to be involved with it, or how much it would take over my life. It's at this point that I say an immense thank you to all my buds who kept me sane(ish) throughout those 2 years, you guys, just fabby!
2007: The year of venturing out there. After an extremely lengthy (read like forever) spell of no mans, I decided it was time to get the Dizz arse (and a mighty fine bootay it is) out there into the dating world. Seemingly the only place you can do this now is online. So to the webby I went. And had quite a few highly entertaining experiences. For a while there was promise. But this got dashed big style. Bonkers. Madness. Hurt feelings. It wasn't good. Me no likey at all. I returned to singledom with big wide open arms...
2008: ...until after god knows how many years of liking each other but never being quite brave enough to actually say anything, Wavey and I bit the bullet, declared our liking-ness and have been in loved up bliss ever since. September 2008. A good month that was (understatement)
2009: Continuation of loved up bliss. Decide to be properly grown up (people keep trying to force this onto me for some unknown reason) and take relationship one step further by becoming roomies. On Christmas Eve. Cue very wide, soppy eyed grin and you'll be right where I am.
So here we are. 2010. Wonder what it will bring? So far lots of snow. And freezing your face off temperatures. And moving house tasks. I'm not one for resolutions, gave them up a long time ago. But for this year, I'd very much like to fulfil my wish of renting out my house to a nice professional single/couple/friends who will take such good care of my very first house that I filled with love and happy times. I'd like for all my loved ones to be happy and healthy and safe from harm. And I'd like to get out of Libraryland. It isn't a good place to be and hasn't been for well over a year now. I'm tired of hearing myself complain about it. And finally to our blog readers, if there's any of you left out there, the same wishes for you, happy, healthy, safe from harm...but always near to a computer so that you can keep reading!