On the first day there they headed out for a walk to a castle that will have to remain nameless to protect the location of the holiday. This is a bit of a broken castle:
Along the way they came across a cracking bit of driftwood that looked like a pair of legs and no body. Ha thinks Dizz. A picture must be taken. Oh would that be a rockpool I've just stepped into. Oh why am I falling? Oh my bum is wet and my legs are bruised. Funny driftwood though:
The next day they headed out to some gardens. These were very pretty gardens. Some of the most amazing rhododendrons so they tell me:
And some funky circle flowers:
And some rather comedy flowers. Feel free to caption as you please:
The next day saw another garden but this just wasn't any old garden. This garden had a treehouse so big you and all your family could live in it:
And a maze made from bamboo, and we found the middle!
The treehouse was so big that they had to build rope bridges to get from one side to the other:
And giant trees to hold it up obviously:
I forgot to mention that we went to the beach and flew our kite too!
Do you see why we can't tell you where it was?
Another day rolled around, this time we headed for food. First up fish n chips:
From this very harbour I would think!
Everyone knows that holidays mean having icecream every day. And when you go the beach you have to go to the amusements and win tat. You really shouldn't have to win your own tat, but what can I say, Wavey's rubbish at arcade games!
Continuing in the vein of comedy things that happen to Dizz. Within seconds of this photo the wind blew my hair right across my icecream and when it blew back it dragged monkey's blood and icecream right across my body and face. Niiiiice.
The final day rolled around. Dizz and Wavey were very sad to leave their beautiful holiday. We're saving up now so that we can move up there (don't worry Fizz, we've discussed it and we're going to buy a place that has a Fizz-Flat in the garden so you can come with us).
For our last day there was tension. Because of the tide we had to be at the causeway by a certain time. Due to a slight misunderstanding with the map (Wavey thought he knew the route but didn't actually) we almost didn't make it. Dizz was potentially going to grump for the 20 seconds that she's excelled at grumping. But! No need. We made it over. And no helicopters necessary to pull us out. And was it worth it? Sparkly sea:
Mind you, we didn't count on the hail storm that came down suddenly. Cue a very Wet Wavey:
And a Damp Dizz:
Summing up? We had an incredibly lovely holiday. We already loved the area and now I love it even more. We'll let you all visit once we have our fabby old cottage though...