Guess the word. Can you guess the word? Need more time? Tchah, it's Code Black obviously! Yep last night was the much anticipated code black episode of
Grey's Anatomy. Boy were we looking forward to this. That tantalising trailer of Meredith flying backwards down the hallway as a bomb was going to be good. And it was! I had to hide behind my cushion for most of it cos the tension was unbearable. What's with all those advert breaks? And are Meredith and Dr McD
ever going to get it on again? So if you knew that today was your last day on earth what would you do? I don't know which one thing I'd pick off my list. I hope I never have to decide.
The other word that goes with black, is Green and Black, as in the yummy-licious chocolate that is not only divinely, heavenly, wonderfully gooooood, but is also Fairtrade and organic so you can feel holier than thou whilst eating it. And the reason for introducing this is my Easter pressie from Fizz. No, not chocolate, much better than that. It's a recipe book. A Green and Black's recipe book. With many many deeeelicious recipes for things to make with G&B chocolate. Every page that I looked at was followed with a "I'm going to make that first..." There's so many treats I can't choose. Everyone knows that Fizz is clever, but this pressie is very clever as she revealed yesterday, cos not only does she get to give me a nice pressie but will also get to sample the majority of the things that I make...see, she's not daft at all. I shall blog and photograph the treats, so that you can also enjoy.
Finished decorating my bedroom! Fabulous. I am hearting it muchly. Nice raspberry wall.
Made casserole for Fizz. Think it was okay. Forgot to put rosemary in it though, doh. See, this is what happens when you don't follow recipes.
And finally, Happy Easter everyone! Hope you have enjoyed lots of chocolatey treats.
Okay definitely finally, how go-jus has the sunshine been all weekend? Good job we know someone with a nice garden eh? x