Thanking you all most kindly for the birthday greetings. I had a good'un, despite it not being payday until two days after the birthday itself and skinty-skint-skint being the order of the day. The bestest things were definitely all my presents; I kid you not, it was like Christmas morning on my breakfast table! I got so many cool things and I felt a wee bit overwhelmed by all the care and thoughts that had gone into selecting things for me. I came out of it all a bit emotional and thinking wow I'm a lucky girl. But enough of that sappy nonsense. The other bestest thing was Sarah arriving from London. But one question: how is it possible that a week at work can feel like ten lifetimes, yet 4 days with one of your bezzy mates flies by in a New York minute? Pah.
So quick run down of the day itself. Presents obviously. Followed by a visit from my ma bearing even more goodies. The moving furniture bit with Wavey was cause for much hilarity but bugger, that wardrobe was heavy! No wonder when I moved it in I got my dad and big tall brother-in-law to be the shifters. Anyhoo, it does mean that I now have space for a bigger better wardrobe to house my ever-growing collection of disposable fashion-tastic clothing. And in the meantime I look at all my clothes and think, shee-it where did they all come from?? Sarah arrived, we drank tea, we gossiped, we cooked tea, more presents from Fizz later on, then a film, it was a lovely day. And now I'm 32. It's time to be mature, sensible... next time I go out someone remind me not to wear the black ankle boots that are oh-so funky but are now named "evil bastard boots" as my feet were crucified after a good several hours dancing on the fecking things. I swear when that taxi stopped for us I could have got down on the ground and kissed the car doors I was so thankful, plus it would have taken some of the pressure off my feet that were ON FIRE but pavements in Boro are definitely not paved with gold; more likely to find vomit and dog doo-doo so p'raps not.
Brief ramblings on birthday night out/Toni's hen night are as follows:
1. cocktails, Cosmopolitans, oh so Sex and the City, I heart them so
2. skipping
3. knickers
4. sugary delights
5. strutting our stuff to 80s choons
6. one v.drunken girl in Flares, I feared for her I truly did, at one point someone dangled her over the balcony and I thought, she's either going to up-chuck over the dancefloor or she's going to break her neck, thankfully she just fell off her black stiletto and laughed
7. my new found huffing skills (ask Fizz for explanation), I'm the new champ!
8. photos, many of them, when they become available we will blog
9. E.B.B. see above for poor feet, comfort over fashion, NEVER!
10. lots of laughs, what more can a gal need, amen
Finally, just thought I'd say Tizz that I'm right there with you on the Angel-fest. I got season 3 for my birthday and have struggled to leave the sofa ever since. Hmmmm, David Boreanaz, what a guy.
Over and out x